The TruMACC Transition Program is a joint admission effort between Truman State University and Moberly Area Community College (MACC).

Students are co-enrolled at both Truman and MACC allowing you to enjoy the four-year university experience while taking advantage of the affordability and diverse levels of academic preparation found at a two-year institution.

Program Benefits

Admission Pathways

Students on the Truman Quad

Students may enter the TruMACC Transition Program from a variety of avenues:

  • Fully admitted to Truman but prefer to attend a community college initially
  • Admitted to Truman contingent upon successful completion of the TruMACC program
  • Admitted to or attending MACC and referred to the TruMACC program by an MACC advisor

Admission Details

  • TruMACC students are enrolled full-time between both institutions:
    • 9-12 credit hours at MACC
    • 3-6 credit hours at Truman State University
  • Minimum progress requirements include a cumulative combined 2.75 grade point average with no grade lower than a C.
  • Although formal application for transfer admission to Truman can occur after completion of 12 credit hours, earning the Associate of Arts degree or 60 credit hours with a 2.75 qualifies the TruMACC student for automatic admission to Truman.
  • Students who do not meet TruMACC requirements are subject to the institutional requirements of the two institutions.
  • TruMACC students are assessed the appropriate tuition, housing, and required fees at the respective institution.

Applying for Admission

TruMACC students must apply as a degree-seeking student at either Truman or MACC.

Truman State University

Apply to Truman

The Truman application for admission, MACC application for admission, and TruMACC supplement must be completed to enter the program via Truman State University.

Students fully admitted to Truman may opt into the TruMACC program or some students may be admitted to Truman contingent upon completion of the TruMACC program.


Apply to MACC

TruMACC students must apply as a degree-seeking student at MACC and can submit the optional Truman application.

The MACC application for admission and TruMACC supplement must be completed to enter the TruMACC Transition Program via MACC.

Student Resources

For information on setting up your Truman account and paying your bill, see our Truman Student Account FAQ.

Truman State University

TruMACC students are required to participate in Truman’s Summer Orientation Program (attending the August orientation session, which includes TruMACC-specific programming) and Truman Week activities in order to acclimate to the Truman campus experience.


TruMACC students are strongly encouraged to attend the half-day MACC Greyhound Orientation, which will help familiarize students with many aspects of MACC. Dates are to be determined.

Truman State University
Academic advising for Truman courses is provided by an advisor from the Truman Center for Academic Excellence (CAE) in coordination with the MACC Advisor.
Academic advising for TruMACC students is provided by designated MACC Advisor, in coordination with Truman advisors.

Truman State University
Center for Academic Excellence (CAE) and departmental tutoring, the Writing Center, and Pickler Library services are available to all students.
In-person, virtual, and online tutoring is available for all students. The LARC offers Library and Academic Resource Center services at the Kirksville location.

Truman State University
The consortium agreement formed by MACC and Truman allows eligible students to receive financial aid based on their combined enrollment at both schools. Financial aid is coordinated through MACC. Students eligible for the Access Missouri Grant ($12,000 or less SAI*) will be awarded a $2,500 University Housing Grant to apply toward residence hall room costs. *Student Aid Index (SAI) is an eligibility index number that a student’s financial aid office uses to determine how much federal student aid a student would receive if they attended the school.
All financial aid for eligible TruMACC students is disbursed by Moberly Area Community College Financial Aid Office. A+ eligible students are required to take at least 12 credit hours between both institutions.

Truman State University
Truman’s Business Office is located in McClain Hall, Room 105.   The following offices are included in the Business Office:

  • Student Accounts (billing and loans)
  • Cashiers (in-person payments)
  • Payroll (student and employee)
  • Accounts Payable and Purchasing

Business Office services at the MACC Kirksville location include student accounts, cashiers, scholarship information, refund information, and loan information. Information about MACC’s Business Office can be found here:

Truman State University
The Center for Diversity and Inclusion and the Center for International Students are located in Baldwin Hall and provide a support system for underrepresented and international students.
The Multicultural Club is open to both international and American students. Designated international advisors are housed on the Moberly and Columbia campuses and can provide specialized advising and support for international students attending MACC’s Kirksville location.

Truman State University

  • TruMACC students benefit by living in Truman’s residence halls. The housing application and $150 deposit ($125 refundable prior to May 1) must be submitted to receive a housing assignment.
  • Truman meal plans offer students a variety of options and conveniences at three dining halls and the Student Union Building.

MACC does not provide residential housing at its Kirksville location. Staff will work with TruMACC students to provide Truman residence hall information.

Truman State University
Parking Services is a part of the Department of Public Safety and is located in the General Services Building (corner of Franklin and Patterson Streets), Room 100. More information on Parking Services can be found at
A parking permit is not required at MACC’s Kirksville location.

Truman State University
Truman’s Student Health Center is located in the McKinney Center. It is operated through a partnership with Complete Family Medicine, a service of Hannibal Regional – a not-for-profit health system.
Health Center services are not provided through MACC.

Truman State University
University Counseling Services is located in the McKinney Center and is available to all students. More information can be found at
MACC’s Student Assistance Program is available to all students. Information regarding this program is available at

Truman State University
Truman’s Student Recreation Center is located on Franklin Street and offers a wide variety of activities and services for students. More information can be found at
The MACC Activity Center is located on the Moberly Campus. Students at all MACC locations are welcome to use the athletic facilities as well as attend the variety of events held at the center.

Truman State University
TruMACC students enjoy the experiences offered on the Truman campus including residence hall living, athletic events and the many student clubs and organizations.
Students may participate in a variety of organizations and activities. Information about MACC student organizations can be found here:

Truman State University
Information about the Student Life Office and services available to students can be found at
Information about student policies, procedures, and resources can be found at

Truman State University
TruMACC students are subject to the Truman Student Conduct Code. Information on the Student Conduct Code, Student Handbook, student rights, as well as other student information can be found at
TruMACC students are subject tot he MACC Student Code of Conduct. Policies regarding student behavior are outlined in the Student Handbook (Redbook) online at

Truman State University
TruMACC students may seek employment off campus.
Limited work-study positions may be available at the MACC Kirksville site.

For more information

Truman State University

Moberly Area Community College